Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010
making fun of shojou manga part 2
dudes out there, im going to make fun of a shojou manga, bear with me
i am a pervert
Thursday, February 18, 2010
er...what date?
today was a very boring day
i woke up at 9 in the morning and decided hey still too early and went back to sleep
only to be awken about 10 minutes later by my auntie,
she hit me hard, pulled me out of bed, forced me to land on the floor
crushed my pretty nose
and made me nose bleed
a day in my life people(not pretty)
for those of you out there wondering why i act like a guy and not a girl
number 1. shit like this often happen in my family, so shitty idiot here has to be tough
number2. you cry, your pathetic
number3. its called pride, pride
number 4 my father is a total idiot
number 5, my mom forced me to wear too many girly dresses when i was young, i grew scared of them
well yeah, its not becuase im a lesbian or anything, this is the shit that happened to make me a girl who acts like a girl
oh dont call me a tomboy, i hate that word
tomboy, why do people call girls who act like boys tomboy.
please for god sake, we call male cats tom cats, are you saying that im like a cat.
dude, tomboy is an ugly word.
call me something nicer,
dont call me lesbian either, unless you wanna me to ignore you all your life.
its not pretty being called a lesbian.
i know, i've been there.
assing people, with over imaginative minds and with nothing better to do then to spread gossips.
i hope your mouths fall from your face and lands on the floor.
ok enough ranting.
got slapped by my father, the end of my day
signing off,
i woke up at 9 in the morning and decided hey still too early and went back to sleep
only to be awken about 10 minutes later by my auntie,
she hit me hard, pulled me out of bed, forced me to land on the floor
crushed my pretty nose
and made me nose bleed
a day in my life people(not pretty)
for those of you out there wondering why i act like a guy and not a girl
number 1. shit like this often happen in my family, so shitty idiot here has to be tough
number2. you cry, your pathetic
number3. its called pride, pride
number 4 my father is a total idiot
number 5, my mom forced me to wear too many girly dresses when i was young, i grew scared of them
well yeah, its not becuase im a lesbian or anything, this is the shit that happened to make me a girl who acts like a girl
oh dont call me a tomboy, i hate that word
tomboy, why do people call girls who act like boys tomboy.
please for god sake, we call male cats tom cats, are you saying that im like a cat.
dude, tomboy is an ugly word.
call me something nicer,
dont call me lesbian either, unless you wanna me to ignore you all your life.
its not pretty being called a lesbian.
i know, i've been there.
assing people, with over imaginative minds and with nothing better to do then to spread gossips.
i hope your mouths fall from your face and lands on the floor.
ok enough ranting.
got slapped by my father, the end of my day
signing off,
Sunday, February 14, 2010
well everyone, is another day in the year cept' this day is different, its the chinese new year.
do i hear a WOOT, yes i heard it. i heard it. yes, the chinese new year people, its the CHINESE NEW YEAR.
i mean we wear pretty clothes on this day, go around to other people's houses and greet them with oranges.
i mean like this.
"Wear this pretty dress, and greet your gradparents with oranges."
so i took two oranges and greeted them with oranges.
i wonder why we do that, greet people with oranges.
i mean like. "Happy chinese new year and oh, here's the orange...opps, im sorry, i think i squash it."
or, "happy chinese new year, have a good life, you dont seem quite healthy, here, have an orange."
or, grandfather: i took a dump and now the toilet stinks, what should i do.
Me: oh, here, have an orange, its perfumy
i mean ok, oranges, orange signifies good luck, but do you know everytime we buy a stupid orange, the elder daughter has to eat every part of the rotten left overs. so dudes, stop buying me oprange, and stop giving me the bloody fruit. im already fat enough
and yes, to all my friends reading this blog (its either you have no life, or ur very bored) pls, have a happy chinese new year. i have wished many people this, and i feel like a stinking recorder. one more time i say happy chinese new year, im going to stuff my head into the toilet bowl and my mouth with rotten oranges.
signing off,
Michael Jackson
do i hear a WOOT, yes i heard it. i heard it. yes, the chinese new year people, its the CHINESE NEW YEAR.
i mean we wear pretty clothes on this day, go around to other people's houses and greet them with oranges.
i mean like this.
"Wear this pretty dress, and greet your gradparents with oranges."
so i took two oranges and greeted them with oranges.
i wonder why we do that, greet people with oranges.
i mean like. "Happy chinese new year and oh, here's the orange...opps, im sorry, i think i squash it."
or, "happy chinese new year, have a good life, you dont seem quite healthy, here, have an orange."
or, grandfather: i took a dump and now the toilet stinks, what should i do.
Me: oh, here, have an orange, its perfumy
i mean ok, oranges, orange signifies good luck, but do you know everytime we buy a stupid orange, the elder daughter has to eat every part of the rotten left overs. so dudes, stop buying me oprange, and stop giving me the bloody fruit. im already fat enough
and yes, to all my friends reading this blog (its either you have no life, or ur very bored) pls, have a happy chinese new year. i have wished many people this, and i feel like a stinking recorder. one more time i say happy chinese new year, im going to stuff my head into the toilet bowl and my mouth with rotten oranges.
signing off,
Michael Jackson
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
err...i kinda forgot the date hahahahaha
im starting to realise i live like an animal
going to do a face like the famous painting the scream OoO
i need to do something, im going bored, im going so bored, im going bonkers.
let's just see...
i wake up in the morning, brush my teeth, shit, go to computer
watch anime all morning
i watch until i realise
hey im hungry
go down and eat bananas and my lunch
then i realise hey im full
then go up stairs and whatda ya know
watch anime
then evening i realise
hey its getting dark
go downstaris
to eat
then it gets darker
than i think
ok i need to sleep
that's my life people
i am becomming an anime
i winder how im going to teach little children if this continues
going to do a face like the famous painting the scream OoO
i need to do something, im going bored, im going so bored, im going bonkers.
let's just see...
i wake up in the morning, brush my teeth, shit, go to computer
watch anime all morning
i watch until i realise
hey im hungry
go down and eat bananas and my lunch
then i realise hey im full
then go up stairs and whatda ya know
watch anime
then evening i realise
hey its getting dark
go downstaris
to eat
then it gets darker
than i think
ok i need to sleep
that's my life people
i am becomming an anime
i winder how im going to teach little children if this continues
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
8 febuary time 8:48pm (let's hope i write this without going to the toilet)
ah, what can i write about my life. my putrid life. i can write alot. alot alot, but i'll just bore you guys out. here's what i did today. i woke up, wash my face didn't manage to brush my teeth sat in front of the computer.
and wha la
my life.
interesting isn't it. some people have an interesting life. they battle it out with guns. they fly over the sky with air planes. they have to feed their dying family members...ok so maybe i have life easy. but having an easy life equated to having a boring life.
and having a hard life makes you have an interesting one.
this is where people like me come in and say
Life is so unfair.
people with the hard lives realise life so much sooner than those with the easy one. that's why i rather suffer than have life easy. we often moan and complain about our disposition in this world. well let me tell you we have every right too.
i hate people who say. "Well at least we have it better than others."
you know what they sound like. they sound like stuck up freaks.
well, saying that means i sound like a stuck up freak and i hate myself. i do hate myself for the matter.
surprising isn't it, since i am an egoist.
life is so complicated,
bring down the metoroid already.
humans only revognise the meaning of life after they experience death. am i right.
i am always right
cause i am an egoist.
signing out james bond
oh yes wrote a draft of a story.
a new story called
the wart delivery office
about two girls in a war striken world that deliver letters,
and wha la
my life.
interesting isn't it. some people have an interesting life. they battle it out with guns. they fly over the sky with air planes. they have to feed their dying family members...ok so maybe i have life easy. but having an easy life equated to having a boring life.
and having a hard life makes you have an interesting one.
this is where people like me come in and say
Life is so unfair.
people with the hard lives realise life so much sooner than those with the easy one. that's why i rather suffer than have life easy. we often moan and complain about our disposition in this world. well let me tell you we have every right too.
i hate people who say. "Well at least we have it better than others."
you know what they sound like. they sound like stuck up freaks.
well, saying that means i sound like a stuck up freak and i hate myself. i do hate myself for the matter.
surprising isn't it, since i am an egoist.
life is so complicated,
bring down the metoroid already.
humans only revognise the meaning of life after they experience death. am i right.
i am always right
cause i am an egoist.
signing out james bond
oh yes wrote a draft of a story.
a new story called
the wart delivery office
about two girls in a war striken world that deliver letters,
Saturday, February 6, 2010
first day writing, the date, 6 feb 2010, the time 2:37...let's hope we make it past 22/12/2012
you know the whole end of the world thing
i thing its becomming overatted. i mean who cares. i dont. if the world ends, it ends. that way every living compost in this world can find the true meaning of life. and when i mean every living compst, i mean every licing compost. i mean the idiots who blow themselves up everyday in the middle east. i mean like those who go. "Allah" and blow themselves up. bombing urself is one thing, using God as an excuse to bomb urself is another, using God as an excuse to kill more people and to protest against the goverment is no excuse.
i like watching youtube videos on the internet. most of the time i watch anime. yes i love anime to bits, one day i would need a pill called. 'Stop the anime addiction" pill. but sometimes i kinda trail off and watch war films and get all patriotic and shout, "Go to hell stupid goverments of the world."
yeah, i'm pretty stupid and passionate about some things.
i hate goverments. i have people geovernming other people. but i know, there would be no peace if there is no govement. i mean everybody would be like. "Go to hell you."
and the other would be like. "You too farting ass."
and it'll be like
i bomb you, i bomb you too.
and it'll be like the barney show go awary. going wrong. and there would be no LOVE. there would be no PEACE. the united nations would be a crumbling wreck. and everybody can all sing. hail the merry angels and go to heaven to meet their creator.
humans are like that.
there is no one to change it.
yes i watch youtube videos today. i watch the war ones and right now im feeling strangely angry with society. i mean killing girls because the guys rape them and their unpure. what kind of twisted logic is that.
well, that's the way the world spins.
the world's spinning in all sorts of directions. whee whee whee, we're a merry go round. a twisted one. turn us upisde down and we;re all fall down. like humpty dumpty.
so yeah.
had lunch today, consisted of something called nasi lemak. some malay rice, that tasted really good. i recommend it. its at holland. just dont try the tofu. dont try it, i warned you. if you do, you'll be going to the toilet and landing a nuclear bomb.
i went to church today and learnt that God would always be on my side. i believe that and one day i want to feel it. i mean really feel it. like presence. sometimes i feel it. its this warmth that no one can explain, but now, i really want to feel it.
i read friends' blogs and suddenly i felt like doing one...cause it was like a diary, kida like a story. like you know those teen flick books out there, where girl authors write the lives of girls in diary form. yeah i felt like trying that. except mine is a little more twisted and not girly at all.
i mean i dont get girls. i really dont. just today i offended a girly girl. yes that's what i call her. i mean i just said, hey dude are you a guy or a girl, cause i cant see her, she was on the frigging internet. and she got angey and completely piss my face. hahahaha. dude.
anyway, im going back to anime. and this is my first post. going to keep posting until i finish poly.
by the way, im going to be a childhood educator.
i thing its becomming overatted. i mean who cares. i dont. if the world ends, it ends. that way every living compost in this world can find the true meaning of life. and when i mean every living compst, i mean every licing compost. i mean the idiots who blow themselves up everyday in the middle east. i mean like those who go. "Allah" and blow themselves up. bombing urself is one thing, using God as an excuse to bomb urself is another, using God as an excuse to kill more people and to protest against the goverment is no excuse.
i like watching youtube videos on the internet. most of the time i watch anime. yes i love anime to bits, one day i would need a pill called. 'Stop the anime addiction" pill. but sometimes i kinda trail off and watch war films and get all patriotic and shout, "Go to hell stupid goverments of the world."
yeah, i'm pretty stupid and passionate about some things.
i hate goverments. i have people geovernming other people. but i know, there would be no peace if there is no govement. i mean everybody would be like. "Go to hell you."
and the other would be like. "You too farting ass."
and it'll be like
i bomb you, i bomb you too.
and it'll be like the barney show go awary. going wrong. and there would be no LOVE. there would be no PEACE. the united nations would be a crumbling wreck. and everybody can all sing. hail the merry angels and go to heaven to meet their creator.
humans are like that.
there is no one to change it.
yes i watch youtube videos today. i watch the war ones and right now im feeling strangely angry with society. i mean killing girls because the guys rape them and their unpure. what kind of twisted logic is that.
well, that's the way the world spins.
the world's spinning in all sorts of directions. whee whee whee, we're a merry go round. a twisted one. turn us upisde down and we;re all fall down. like humpty dumpty.
so yeah.
had lunch today, consisted of something called nasi lemak. some malay rice, that tasted really good. i recommend it. its at holland. just dont try the tofu. dont try it, i warned you. if you do, you'll be going to the toilet and landing a nuclear bomb.
i went to church today and learnt that God would always be on my side. i believe that and one day i want to feel it. i mean really feel it. like presence. sometimes i feel it. its this warmth that no one can explain, but now, i really want to feel it.
i read friends' blogs and suddenly i felt like doing one...cause it was like a diary, kida like a story. like you know those teen flick books out there, where girl authors write the lives of girls in diary form. yeah i felt like trying that. except mine is a little more twisted and not girly at all.
i mean i dont get girls. i really dont. just today i offended a girly girl. yes that's what i call her. i mean i just said, hey dude are you a guy or a girl, cause i cant see her, she was on the frigging internet. and she got angey and completely piss my face. hahahaha. dude.
anyway, im going back to anime. and this is my first post. going to keep posting until i finish poly.
by the way, im going to be a childhood educator.
Riddle is speaking
aloha to the people out there who are reading my blog. this blog will be like a diary. that would be updated when i, the stupid person feel the need to write. i always do, so i'll write. no one would read this, unless he or she has no time, or no life, so i'll just write whatever pleases me so.
a blog is for one to create something he or she likes. the blogger would no disclose any information about himself or herself. cause the blogger likes to remain unanomanious in society today. as you can see, for one thing, the blogger's english is as good as that of a 3 year old.
so here's my life
i shall start from the beginning.
my dad and mom met in some church. yes a church, they were in some church camps. and those were the days where people actually sat down and sang songs while playing the guitar. how cool is that. people actually do that. do that to us right now and some idiot would probably come around and ask, "Hey where's the IPod."
i had no idea what an ipod was until i was 14. i have always thought an ipod was some kind of toilet paper, because of the countless crap shit written on overseas t-shirts. you know, you've seen it before. yes, Ipoop
come have an ipoop
society is disgusting, crude and yes...well awesome in some ways. normal people dont find it funny. but stick a 17 year old in a shop with a mental age of a 3 year old and you'll know why its funny. i mean ipoop. its an ipoop. listen to ipoop in the toilet and flush it down. hey its easy and portable. if you still dont get why is it funny. then please, dont force urself. forcing urself to laugh actually makes you contipated.
anyway, where were we. oh yes, my dad and my mom. my dad fell in love with my mom first. it was like this whole remeo and julient like thingy, but the chinese way. they were pretty simple and my dad was oddly romantic. i say oddly, because that big doofus dad of mine is pretty irritating and when i mean irritating, i mean as irritating as sticking george bush face in the toilet bowl and letting it stare at your butt while you do your buisness.
so yep, they met, mated and had me. good ole me. those were the days. i was born on 3rd march in 1993. it was an all 3 birthday. and im proud to say im proud of it. its the only thing im ever proud off. and hinagiku Katzura, the anime character, that i like, has the same birthday as me. how cool is that.
that's cooler than seeing superman's yellow underwear fly out.
well yeah, that's me. your regular 17 year old, whoes just a little bit childish and a little bit screwed in the head than others. yes.
and this blog will be about me.
i mean come on.
who blogs about things other than themselves...
well many, but dont debate with me
i hate debates.
they wreck ur mind and make you a lawyer.
a blog is for one to create something he or she likes. the blogger would no disclose any information about himself or herself. cause the blogger likes to remain unanomanious in society today. as you can see, for one thing, the blogger's english is as good as that of a 3 year old.
so here's my life
i shall start from the beginning.
my dad and mom met in some church. yes a church, they were in some church camps. and those were the days where people actually sat down and sang songs while playing the guitar. how cool is that. people actually do that. do that to us right now and some idiot would probably come around and ask, "Hey where's the IPod."
i had no idea what an ipod was until i was 14. i have always thought an ipod was some kind of toilet paper, because of the countless crap shit written on overseas t-shirts. you know, you've seen it before. yes, Ipoop
come have an ipoop
society is disgusting, crude and yes...well awesome in some ways. normal people dont find it funny. but stick a 17 year old in a shop with a mental age of a 3 year old and you'll know why its funny. i mean ipoop. its an ipoop. listen to ipoop in the toilet and flush it down. hey its easy and portable. if you still dont get why is it funny. then please, dont force urself. forcing urself to laugh actually makes you contipated.
anyway, where were we. oh yes, my dad and my mom. my dad fell in love with my mom first. it was like this whole remeo and julient like thingy, but the chinese way. they were pretty simple and my dad was oddly romantic. i say oddly, because that big doofus dad of mine is pretty irritating and when i mean irritating, i mean as irritating as sticking george bush face in the toilet bowl and letting it stare at your butt while you do your buisness.
so yep, they met, mated and had me. good ole me. those were the days. i was born on 3rd march in 1993. it was an all 3 birthday. and im proud to say im proud of it. its the only thing im ever proud off. and hinagiku Katzura, the anime character, that i like, has the same birthday as me. how cool is that.
that's cooler than seeing superman's yellow underwear fly out.
well yeah, that's me. your regular 17 year old, whoes just a little bit childish and a little bit screwed in the head than others. yes.
and this blog will be about me.
i mean come on.
who blogs about things other than themselves...
well many, but dont debate with me
i hate debates.
they wreck ur mind and make you a lawyer.
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